Pseudo-what in CSS

Taras Rodynenko

Pseudo-what in CSS


It is a keyword added to a selector that lets you style a specific part of the selected element(s).

h1::before {}

Pseudo-elements should be used with :: notation, but it is not so clear


Swiss knife for any troubles

Before and After

⚠️ They are not visible for accesability tree. Hard to manipulate from JS.

Some Javascript

What can you do with pseudo element ::after from JS?

Not much

Pseudo-elements are not part of the DOM, so you can just play around with Styles and CSS

1. window.getComputedStyle(HTMLElement, pseudoElement)
2. Element.pseudo('type') // method under discussion
<style>.demo {}</style>
<div class="demo"></div>

  const demo = document.querySelector('.demo')

  // what is result
  window.getComputedStyle(demo, ':after')?.content 



"F,irst letter of this line.

And first line of the content we can write here with some span.

⚠️ Works only for block elements with inline children, and have reduced list of allowed properties


⚠️ There is no clear answer how placeholder should look like when it comes to contrast questions.


Some regular DIV or ::before/::after with display: list-item

⚠️ Very reduced list of CSS properties to edit. No margins and paddings, but you can animate :)



It helps you to decorate background of dialog and elements that are open on fullscreen

Some awesome dialog

Highlight pseudo-elements


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas blandit mi ut faucibus luctus. Cras sed nibh sapien. Maecenas aliquam turpis a est euismod, nec fringilla enim ultrices. Etiam ut augue porttitor, venenatis metus sit amet, efficitur dolor. Donec ut turpis massa. Duis eu neque tempor, venenatis lacus non, lobortis tellus.


::grammar-error / ::spelling-error

What we can do with styling

What we can do with styling

Cascading with selection

Why important to use :root :)

Next: Highlight API

::highlight(custom-highlight-name){ }

const r = new Range();
r.setStart(document.body, 0);
r.setEnd(document.body, 2);

CSS.highlights.set("custom-highlight-name", new Highlight(r));

Next: Highlight API
