Taras Rodynenko
It is a keyword added to a selector that lets you style a specific part of the selected element(s).
h1::before {}
Pseudo-elements should be used with ::
notation, but it is not so clear
Swiss knife for any troubles
property.⚠️ They are not visible for accesability tree. Hard to manipulate from JS.
What can you do with pseudo element ::after
from JS?
Not much
Pseudo-elements are not part of the DOM, so you can just play around with Styles and CSS
1. window.getComputedStyle(HTMLElement, pseudoElement)
2. Element.pseudo('type') // method under discussion
<style>.demo {}</style>
<div class="demo"></div>
const demo = document.querySelector('.demo')
// what is result
window.getComputedStyle(demo, ':after')?.content
"F,irst letter of this line.
And first line of the content we can write here with some span.
⚠️ Works only for block elements with inline children, and have reduced list of allowed properties
⚠️ There is no clear answer how placeholder should look like when it comes to contrast questions.
display: list-item
⚠️ Very reduced list of CSS properties to edit. No margins and paddings, but you can animate :)
It helps you to decorate background of dialog and elements that are open on fullscreen
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas blandit mi ut faucibus luctus. Cras sed nibh sapien. Maecenas aliquam turpis a est euismod, nec fringilla enim ultrices. Etiam ut augue porttitor, venenatis metus sit amet, efficitur dolor. Donec ut turpis massa. Duis eu neque tempor, venenatis lacus non, lobortis tellus.
/ ::spelling-error
Why important to use :root
::highlight(custom-highlight-name){ }
const r = new Range();
r.setStart(document.body, 0);
r.setEnd(document.body, 2);
CSS.highlights.set("custom-highlight-name", new Highlight(r));